
A concept which is a paradox always forms around.

Everyone wants to do God's work. Everyone blame God for their problems. But God works in mysterious ways.

Thus either God does nothing but evil or man doing God's job does evil. But if the last statement true no one know what God does this it is impossible for anyone to blame God or do his work because we have no clue what he does.


(n.) the extremities on the end of one's hand, usually existing in bunches of four plus an additional one who sort of does his own thing (the thumb). if your brain is working correctly you can make them curl up in order to grab things.

for the obscene hand gesture, see the finger. for the fillets of breaded chicken meat, see chicken finger. for the first really good james bond movie, see goldfinger. for other things called fingers go somewhere else. leave me alone.


(n.) a dipping device too big to be a spoon (to show you mean business) and too small to be a shovel (to show you're not insecure)

(v.) scooping things with a scooping motion often by using a scoop


renzo novatore
Deception of the flesh and damage to the spirit. Disease of the soul, atrophy of the brain, weakening of the heart, corruption of the senses, poetic lies from which one gets ferociously inebriated two or three times a day in order to consume this precious but stupid life more quickly. And yet I would prefer to die of love. It's the only swindler, after Judas, that can kill with a kiss.


(1542-1604) third ruler of the mughal empire, which was based in india but whose ruling class was persian. akbar was a fascinating study in contradictions; although illiterate (possibly dyslexic), he was a patron of intellectuals and philosophers. although an accomplished military leader in a land of sectarian conflict, he promoted peace and understanding between his muslim and hindu subjects

under his rule, the mughal empire grew to encompass much of india, and reached a golden age characterized by unimaginable heights of prosperity. then everything just sort of fell apart after he died. ah well.

no, he was not a space squid, and he did not help destroy the death star

jar bairn

(noun.) dʒɑr bɛərn
(NPC) - a feisty living jar in Elden Ring's Jarburg, with standards higher than the Lord of Cinder himself. Requires soft hands for Potentate candidacy, and destroying jars will incite its wrath. Completing its questline yields a Companion Jar Talisman, and perhaps some extra moisturizer for your rough, barbaric hands.


(n.) could be only a moment (like "Eureka!"), or prolonged access to wisdom, a sustained ability to understand the whole of the game (like with true enlightenment in monks, or Richard Feynman with physics & lock-picking, etc.).

not simplicity. not simplistic. not reductionism.
intent matters here, too.. because one person's Inbox 0 helps them to control information flow & to stay on top of things (i.e. they have clarity on priorities, etc), but for another person, they can be a slave to the idea of Inbox 0 (a simple logic of "if email, I need to read it", but forgetting that it's just a tool and not a rule of the universe or anything).

(also: nuance)


the devils dictionary
To tipple, booze, swill, soak, guzzle, lush, bib or swig. In the individual, toping is regarded with disesteem, but toping nations are in the forefront of civilization and power. When pitted against the hard-drinking Christians the abstemious Mahometans go down like grass before the scythe. In India one hundred thousand beef-eating and brandy-and-soda-guzzling Britons hold in subjection two hundred and fifty million vegetarian abstainers of the same Aryan race. With what an easy grace the whisky-loving American pushed the temperate Spaniard out of his possessions! From the time when the Berserkers ravaged all the coasts of western Europe and lay drunk in every conquered port it has been the same way: everywhere the nations that drink too much are observed to fight rather well and not too righteously. Wherefore the estimable old ladies who abolished the canteen from the American army may justly boast of having materially augmented the nation's military power.

(also: The Devil's Dictionary)

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